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Text File | 1994-03-13 | 60.0 KB | 1,729 lines |
- *********************************** AM/FM ***********************************
- A m i g a M u s i c i a n s F r e e w a r e M a g a z i n e
- 15 MARCH 1994
- ================================================================================
- All orders should be addressed to:
- BJORN A. LYNNE Tel daytime: (+47) 67594331
- SCHLEPPEGRELLSGT. 10 Tel evening: (+47) 22352781
- 0556 OSLO Post giro: 0824.0681472
- NORWAY Bank: 6222.10.78352
- ================================================================================
- AM/FM - Amiga Musicians Freeeware Magazine - is Europe's best selling disk
- magazine for the Amiga computer. But it is also something more: a range of
- high quality specialty products for Amiga enthusiasts, and especially those
- who are into music on the Amiga. This catalogue describes these products,
- their prices and where to order them.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Items described in this catalogue:
- 1) Details on how to order any of the products available from AM/FM
- 2) AM/FM - Amiga Musicians Freeeware Magazine
- 3) OctaMED Professional v5: The latest state-of-the-art update of this
- undisputed King of Amiga music programs is now available through
- AM/FM!
- 4) NEW CD From Bjørn A. Lynne, February 1994: "MONTAGE" <<<<<<< NEW !!!!!!!
- 70-minute DD-recorded follow-up to the success CD "Hobbits
- & Spaceships" from 1992.
- 5) CD from Bjørn "Dr.Awesome" Lynne and Seppo "Fleshbrain" Hurme:
- "Hobbits & Spaceships"
- 6) "Hobbits & Spaceships: The Extras":
- HIFI Audio cassette with more music that was supposed to be on the CD,
- but there wasn't enough room on the CD!
- 7) Soundtrack tape from Bjørn "Dr.Awesome" Lynne: <<<<<<< NEW !!!!!!!
- "Brave New Virtual World"
- 8) Bjørn "Dr.Awesome" Lynne: "Demo Tape #1"
- HIFI Audio cassette.
- 9) Contents of all AM/FM disks described in detail.
- ==============================================================================
- The prices in this catalogue are stated in GBP (British pounds). However, you
- can pay in whatever currency you wish, just calculate the amount from GBP and
- into your own currency. We accept all currencies! Scandinavians: Please use
- 1 GBP = 10 NOK/SEK/DKK.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- * Scandinavians: Just write a letter saying which product(s) you want, and say
- that you want to "Pay on delivery". The goods will be sent to your nearest
- post office, and you pay for them when you pick them up there. A special "Pay
- on delivery" fee will be charged by the post bureau. This option applies to
- Scandinavians only! Other countries are impossible and/or ridiculously
- expensive to send "Pay on delivery" to.
- Non-Scandinavians:
- * Preferred method: Send an international money-order to the name and address
- below. Write a note on the money-order stating which product(s) you are
- ordering. No risk, no long delays, no changing currencies, no big fees, no
- problems at all.
- * If you're too lazy to go to the post office, send cash money in an envelope,
- together with a note describing which product(s) you are ordering. You can
- send the money in your own currency, you don't have to change to the currency
- used in this catalogue. That's right, we will gladly take your D-Mark, your
- Francs, your Dollars, your Yen, your Guildens, your Pesetas and your Kronor
- and every other currency in the world!
- But please: No coins! Round off upwards to the nearest no-coins amount. Also,
- it might be wise to wrap some extra paper around the money, so it can't be
- seen through the envelope.
- * Or place the money on the post giro account mentioned below. Write a note on
- the Post Giro stating which product(s) you are ordering.
- All orders should be addressed to:
- BJØRN A. LYNNE Tel: +47 67594331
- SCHLEPPEGRELLSGT. 10 or: +47 22352781
- 0556 OSLO Post Giro: 0824.0681472
- NORWAY Bank: 6222.10.78352
- ==============================================================================
- The Disk Magazine for anyone who has an Amiga and likes music!
- Currently available AM/FM disks (15 October 1993):
- AM/FM Magazine Disks 1-16 *** AM/FM Sample Disks 1-16
- AM/FM Special Disks 1-6
- (38 disks total)
- Amiga Musicians Freeware Magazine (AM/FM) is a disk based magazine which is
- made for everyone who owns an Amiga is interested in music. Whether you're
- into composing, collecting, studying, or simply enjoying music, then AM/FM
- will have lots to offer. If you want to learn more about using the Amiga as a
- music computer, you simply cannot miss out on AM/FM. A new issue of AM/FM is
- released approximately every second month, and each issue consists of two
- disks - the AM/FM Magazine Disk itself, and an AM/FM Sample Disk. Each of
- these two disks can be bought separately or together - that's up to you.
- Each AM/FM Magazine Disk contains news, reviews, previews, hints & tips,
- tutorials, new sounds for popular synthesizers, lots of great Amiga-only
- music, lots of great MIDI music, and last but not least - the latest in sound-
- and music utilities! Each issue contains 2-5 Amiga songs, 2-5 MIDI songs and
- 3-7 Sound/Music Utility programs!
- FACT: Nearly everyone who have tried one issue of AM/FM, have ordered all
- back-issues!!! Why? Try one issue, and find out!
- The AM/FM Sample Disks are all stuffed full of superb quality samples (We know
- because we sample everything ourselves) from the latest and best in
- synthesizers, drum machines etc.
- All AM/FM Magazine Disks and Sample Disks are system-friendly, and use
- flexible and system-friendly routines and standard Amigados file system, so
- all files on the disk can easily be taken out and copied anywhere. Also, the
- magazine works on all Amigas (as far as we know anyway), works fine on PAL or
- NTSC, and can also be run from a harddisk environment.
- The music, text, utilities, sound files etc. on AM/FM are not coded or
- protected in any way. Everything is stored in standard AmigaDos files with
- proper filenames, which makes it easy to study the music closer by loading it
- into the correct music editor - or to copy the utilities to your own disks or
- harddisk.
- AM/FM can be started from your own workbench environment. Unlike other
- magazines - you do not have to reset your Amiga and boot with the magazine
- disk. Of course, you can reset and boot if you prefer to. Both will work
- fine.
- Facts about AM/FM
- --------------------
- - AM/FM is the only serious disk magazine for Amiga musicians. Some other
- feeble attempts have been made, but only AM/FM has stood the test of time.
- - AM/FM is the biggest selling Amiga disk magazine in Europe - despite the
- fact that it's only for musicians!
- - AM/FM has been given superb reviews in magazines such as Amiga Format,
- Amiga Computing and CU Amiga.
- - "I was very pleasantly surprised..."
- - "It goes into far greater detail than ordinary Amiga magazines..."
- - "It covers everything..."
- - "If you're seriously interested in music, this is one magazine that you
- truly can't afford to miss..."
- (CU Amiga)
- - As good as everyone who have ever tried one issue of AM/FM, has come back
- to order all released issues.
- - AM/FM pays cash money to programmers of quality sound/music utilities for
- licensing their program to AM/FM instead of releasing it as "normal" P.D.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- After reading about everything that AM/FM offers, you're pretty sure it
- must be expensive, right? Wrong. AM/FM will not cost you more than other
- PD disks.
- 1 disk: 4 GBP 16 disks: 37,5 GBP 31 disks: 60
- 2 disks: 8 GBP 17 disks: 39 GBP 32 disks: 61,5
- 3 disks: 10 GBP 18 disks: 40,5 GBP 33 disks: 63
- 4 disks: 13 GBP 19 disks: 42 GBP 34 disks: 64,5
- 5 disks: 16 GBP 20 disks: 43,5 GBP 35 disks: 66
- 6 disks: 18 GBP 21 disks: 45 GBP 36 disks: 67,5
- 7 disks: 20 GBP 22 disks: 46,5 GBP 37 disks: 69
- 8 disks: 22 GBP 23 disks: 48 GBP 38 disks: 70,5
- 9 disks: 24 GBP 24 disks: 49,5 GBP 39 disks: 72
- 10 disks: 26 GBP 25 disks: 51 GBP 40 disks: 73,5
- 11 disks: 28 GBP 26 disks: 52,5 GBP 41 disks: 75
- 12 disks: 30 GBP 27 disks: 54 GBP 42 disks: 76
- 13 disks: 32 GBP 28 disks: 55,5 GBP 43 disks: 77
- 14 disks: 34 GBP 29 disks: 57 GBP 44 disks: 78
- 15 disks: 36 GBP 30 disks: 58,5 GBP 45 disks: 79
- As you can see, if you buy more than 40 disks, the price is just 1 GBP per
- extra disk. So if you order more than 41 disks, just add 1 GBP per extra
- disk. Example: 50 disks = 84 GBP.
- Please add for postage:
- Scandinavia: 1 GBP every 5 disks, but minimum 1 GBP.
- Outside Scand. but inside Europe: 2 GBP for every 5 disks. but min. 2 GBP.
- Outside Europe: 3 GBP for every 5 disks, but minimum 3 GBP.
- When you order your AM/FM disks, remember to state clearly and exactly
- which AM/FM Magazine Disk(s) you want and which AM/FM Sample Disk(s) you
- want.
- Subscription
- You can also subscribe to future issues of AM/FM, to make sure you get them
- the moment they are released. Simply write on your order or in your letter
- which disks you want. If some of them haven't been released yet, they will
- be sent to you as soon as they are finished. For example, you can order
- all AM/FM Magazine Disks number 10 thru 20. Number 10-14 will then be sent
- to you immediately, whilst the remaining 6 will be sent to you when they
- are released. It's as simple as that!
- Advertisements in AM/FM are FREE. Send them as a text file on a disk to
- the address at the top and bottom of this file. This is also the address
- to use for all AM/FM orders.
- ===========================================================================
- "OctaMED Professional was already by far the best Amiga music program. Now
- it's even better..." CU Amiga *TOP RATED* 92%
- Need we say more? Not really, but we will anyway. OctaMED Professional has
- been given a *radical* boost-up and shine-up, and it is now even further ahead
- of all other Amiga music programs than it already was! And together with
- this; OctaMED is now for the first time available from a distributor in
- Scandinavia! And as if this wasn't enough: AM/FM sells the program in
- Scandinavia even cheaper than the price in England!!! (This *has to* be the
- first time in the history of computer software..??!)
- OctaMED Professional v5 offers:
- ---------------------------------
- - Up to 8 channels of Amiga sound
- - Up to 64 channels of MIDI sound
- - Amiga samples, Amiga synthetic sounds, and MIDI sounds/instruments, all
- mixed together like you want it.
- - Standard notation with traditional score, as an option instead of the
- "tracker"-display
- - Built-in sampler and sample-editor up there with the very best
- commercial sampling packages. (Many think even better!)
- - Online documentation anywhere, anytime while using the program - just
- press HELP, and on the screen you will be presented with the part of
- the manual describing the function you are currently using!
- - Guaranteed to work with all Amigas with kickstart 2.0 or higher.
- The program is developed on an A4000. (Do you have kickstart 1.2
- or 1.3? Use OctaMED Professional v4!)
- - "High Quality Octa" enables you to use your extra processor-speed
- (if you have faster than 68000) to improve the sound quality on
- 8-channel sound!
- - 100% professional user interface; extremely user friendly.
- - Keep several songs in memory at once, and if you want to, save them
- all together as one "multi-module". Perfect for composing music
- for games.
- - Both load and save Powerpacker-crunched modules!
- - So much more, so many features, so many possibilities, so many strengths,
- that we can't even scratch the surface here!
- Price OctaMED Pro v5 (for kickstart 2.0 or higher) : 29 GBP
- Price OctaMED Pro v4 (for kickstart 1.2/1.3) : 19 GBP
- Please add for postage: Scandinavia: 1 GBP, Europe: 2 GBP,
- Outside Europe: 3 GBP
- ===========================================================================
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- 1. Entity (Montage Intro)..........04:31
- 2. Communion.......................11:50
- 3. Creeping Sleep..................05:00
- 4. Fantastic Voyage '94............06:11
- 5. Hyperride.......................05:14
- 6. Plugged!........................04:19
- 7. The Spirit of Mechanica.........04:54
- 8. Enlightenment Through Fear......05:40
- 9. Truth or Sanity? Part 1.........02:02
- 10. A Secret Place..................04:34
- 11. Truth or Sanity? Part 2.........02:36
- 12. Montage.........................08:02
- 13. Head Held High (Montage Finale).04:48
- Total playing time 70 minutes 08 seconds
- All music composed, arranged, produced by B. Lynne
- All instruments performed by B. Lynne
- Vocals on "The Spirit of Mechanica": "Paula"
- Development time: 1 year & 4 months
- DD Recording - Recorded at DENS Studios, November/December 1993
- Cover by Tobias Richter (Front cover Amiga HAM8, 1500x1000 pixels)
- The music magazine "Waves" wrote about a pre-release demo of the CD:
- "The title 'Montage' isn't coincidental. The title implies a variety of
- different pieces, all tied together into one colourful final product.
- Lynne shows no respect to predefined genres, styles or laws of music, as
- he quite happily mixes industrial with gregorian, cybernetic with
- medieval, and classic with techno, rock, dance, funk and experimental
- music. The result is more than one hour of music that will constantly
- keep the listener on his toes, not having any idea as to what to expect
- next.
- The powerful and soundtrack-styled opening track "Entity" is the only
- track in which Lynne makes a statement - from then on, the music stands
- on it's own for just the music itself. "Communion" is a rainbow of a
- piece, taking us through the colours of sound and music each minute of
- the almost 12-minute song. "Creeping Sleep" is a danceable track with
- an evil and sinister aura, "Hyperride" is a snappy and crispy funk/pop
- piece, and "Plugged!" a hard-hitting and fast-paced rocker. From there
- on, we're taken through a variety of styles from ballads to
- dance-techno, ending up in the climax; the wonderful 8-minute title
- track "Montage", where all of Lynne's ideas materialise into a truly
- expressive and captivating song. The CD then closes with the calm,
- strong and proud "Head Held High" - a soothing and worthy end to a
- journey through a musical Montage."
- "Sym Info" magazine wrote:
- "Bjorn Lynne is one of the most innovative and exciting artists in the
- instrumental underground scene right now."
- Price: 13 GBP
- Please add for postage: Scandinavia: 1 GBP, Europe: 2 GBP,
- Outside Europe: 3 GBP
- ============================================================================
- 5) PRODUCT: hOBbiTs & SpACesHipS (CD)
- A DDD-recorded Compact Disc from Bjorn "Dr.Awesome" Lynne and Seppo
- "Fleshbrain" Hurme.
- If you've been waiting for the next Crusaders music disk, basically that
- is what you've got here. But: It's not released on Amiga disk - it's
- released on Compact Disc!
- The DDD recorded CD contains more than 72 minutes of music from the two
- former Crusaders musicians Dr.Awesome and Fleshbrain. The music was
- composed and produced on the latest state-of-the-art synth equipment
- available, of course with the Amiga controlling everything! The music was
- digitally mastered and pressed to CD by Strawberry Records.
- The CD contains new versions of well known Amiga-hits such as "Space
- Deliria" and "Graveyard", as well as lots and lots of new kick-ass music
- from the two musicians behind "Bacteria", "Bass-o-matic", "Audio-X",
- "Mi-cro Con-cept", 15 issues of the "Crusaders Eurochart" etc. et. etc.
- Songs:
- 1) Dimminuendo 7) Graveyard (Part III)
- 2) Sword From the Past 8) Wave of Aliens
- 3) Beam Me Up! 9) Mikael - Lost in the Woods
- 4) A New Age 10) Space Deliria
- 5) Space Train 11) Tailing Game
- 6) Tinúviel 12) Air Movement
- Price: 13 GBP
- Please add for postage: Scandinavia: 1 GBP, Europe: 2 GBP,
- Outside Europe: 3 GBP
- =============================================================================
- 6) PRODUCT: hOBbiTs & SpACesHipS - The Extras (Cassette)
- 40-minute cassette tape, containing material that was planned to be on the
- CD "Hobbits & Spaceships", but had to be left out because there wasn't
- room for more music on the CD!
- The tape is manufactured by the same company that made the CD: Strawberry
- Records.
- Price: 5 GBP
- Please add for postage: Scandinavia: 1 GBP, Europe: 2 GBP,
- Outside Europe: 3 GBP
- ===========================================================================
- SPECIAL OFFER!!: Get BOTH the CD "Hobbits & Spaceships" AND the cassette
- "Hobbits & Spaceships - The Extras" for only GBP 15 !! Save GBP 4!
- Price for CD AND TAPE: GBP 15
- Please add for postage: Scandinavia: 2 GBP, Europe: 3 GBP,
- Outside Europe: 4 GBP
- ===========================================================================
- 7) Bjorn "Dr.Awesome" Lynne: "Brave New Virtual World" Soundtrack
- (HIFI Audio tape)
- Normal Tape: 7 GBP Chrome Tape: 8 GBP
- In 1993, Bjørn A. Lynne, Freelance musician and editor of the AM/FM magazine,
- was hired by Theater Ad Libitum to compose an original soundtrack for a theatre
- production called "Brave New Virtual World". The play featured live actors,
- video interaction, virtual reality gear and other scenic effects, and the music
- was an important part of the overall performance.
- The soundtrack is now for sale on high quality normal- or chrome- C60 cassette.
- The music ranges from "spaced out" new age/industrial through jazz/blues, onto
- more straightforward synth-rock and pop. It is all instrumental, digitally
- recorded and in superb HIFI quality.
- The tape also contains a few "Bonus Tracks" - old Amiga-hits which have been
- re-arranged and re-recorded with professional equipment.
- The first 50 copies will be numbered 1-50 and signed.
- If NOT using Pay-on-delivery, please also add 1 GBP for postage.
- Remember to state whether you want it on Chrome or Normal tape.
- Side A Side B
- Cyberlife Cyberspace Rider
- Sightseeing John Virtual Happiness?
- Late Night, Dark Cloud Sports Illustrated
- Late Night Jazz Airline-2
- Virtual Wireframe Sex Stardust Memories
- Kasei Vallis '93 Ghastobello Belle
- Lost In The Digiscape
- (Parts 1, 2, 3, 4) (Bonus tracks)
- ==========================================================================
- 8) Bjorn "Dr.Awesome" Lynne: Demo Tape #1 (HIFI Audio tape)
- Cassette tape with 10 songs, approx. 50 minutes of music from Bjorn
- "Dr.Awesome" Lynne, composed on synthesizers etc. The cassette comes with
- a professionally printed inlay cover etc. Includes HIFI Stereo
- synthesizer versions of some well known Amiga/Crusaders hits, as well as
- other original tracks.
- 1) Plugged 6) Macabra
- 2) Operation Starpig 7) Into the Waterfall
- 3) Feeble-Strap 8) Empty Spaces
- 4) 6 End Hunk 9) Alien Atmosphere
- 5) Tales of Wonder 10) Cremona
- Price: GBP 6
- Please add for postage: Scandinavia: 1 GBP, Europe: 2 GBP,
- Outside Europe: 3 GBP
- ===========================================================================
- 9) Contents of all AM/FM disks described in detail
- Note: The items listed in this index are only the "unique" features of
- each issue. Regular columns (letters/answers, editorials, advertisements,
- info about the music on the disk, etc.) are also included on all AM/FM
- Magazine Disks, although they are not listed in this index.
- Magazine Disk #1
- Articles/General
- - 16Bit Amiga sampling at last
- - Roland D70 live tips
- - MED v3.10 review
- - E-MU Proformance piano mod. review
- - Tech Corner: Serial & Midi
- - Gossip
- Utilities
- - GLIB, Sound storage system for:
- Yamaha DX100
- Yamaha TX81Z
- TX81 Performance
- Korg DW8000
- Kawai K-5 single patches
- Kawai K-5 multi patches
- - Protimer
- Calculates playing time for
- ST/NT/PT modules
- - MIDI Analyzer
- Use to check MIDI equipment/
- leads, their MIDI support etc.
- - SuperEcho
- Generates superb audio effects
- MIDI Music
- - "Human Nature"
- - "Sleeping Gods Lie"
- - "Adore"
- Amiga-only Music
- - "Radha Soami" - by David Elfstrom
- - "Sunrise" - by Peter Salomonsen
- - "Green Pullover" - by Tor-Egil Braseth
- - "Horror!" - by Bjorn A. Lynne
- Magazine Disk #2:
- Articles/General
- - Complete Jarre discography
- - Music theory: Chords, part 1
- - Review: Dr.T's XOR Generic synth editor
- - New Music-X synth editor protocols
- - Review: Boss DR-550 drum machine
- - MIDI competitions at conferences?
- - How to get the most from Music-X, part 1
- - The MED tutorial, part 1
- - Review: Sound Source's Korg M1 Film Texture collection
- - Prince gossip
- - News report from Amiga Symposium Oslo 1991
- - Latest news from Korg; the Wavestation A/D tested
- - About the further development of ProTracker
- Utilities
- - MIDICom v1.36
- MIDI tool performing several tasks such as a BPM/ms calculator,
- a MIDI test panel, Song Credits handling and more.
- - MFT
- Converts MIDI files to text files for printing etc.
- - VcEd Yamaha DS-55 voice editor
- Sound editing for your Yamaha DS-55 made easy
- - FixModule
- Prevents danger of system crashes when using Noise/Protracker modules
- MIDI Music
- - "In the Air Tonight" by Phil Collins
- - "Father's Song" by Prince
- - "Simple El-Piano Piece" by Bjørn A. Lynne
- - "Autoplay" MIDI recording of keyboard demonstration mode
- Amiga-only Music
- - "Organic Dreams" by Anders Hamre & Kim Jensen / Decibel Desperados
- - "Session" by Bjørn A. Lynne
- - "White Eagle" by Wiggo Johansen
- - "Basement Groove" by Kon Wilms
- Magazine Disk #3:
- Articles/General
- - The worlds biggest guide to Amiga Sound/Music software
- - Interview with Lars Hamre, author of Protracker, an two screenshots
- from his forthcoming new music program "Apollon".
- - Useful MIDI information
- * Generally about the technical side of MIDI
- * Standard MIDI file format explained
- * MIDI time codes explained
- - Music-X hints & tips, part 2
- - Amiga versus PC on sound and music
- - Complete Yello discography
- - AM/FM debate: The music industry today
- - Idol worship in music
- - Public Domain Music disks reviewed:
- * Noiseless: "Face Another Day"
- * Zero Defects: "Propaganda"
- * Drifters: "NoTech"
- * Al Pepsi: "Al Pepsi's Music Disk"
- * The Sect: "Mega Concert"
- - Commercial music reviews:
- * Red Hot Chili Peppers - "Blood Sugar Sex Magic"
- * U2 - "Achtung Baby"
- * Front 242 - "Tyranny For You"
- * Enya - "Shepherd Moons"
- Utilities
- - Roland D10 Drum Editor
- Use the Amiga to edit your D10's drums and store the setup on Amiga
- disks.
- - Roland D10 Tone Editor
- As above, with the D10 "Tones"
- - Roland D10 Patch Editor
- As above, with the D10 "Patch"
- - ProPlay v1.3
- A brand new, beautifully looking and completely system-safe module player
- that will play Protracker, Noisetracker or Startrekker modules, with a
- great file requester, multi-selection of modules, config-setup, displays
- song information and sample names etc. etc.
- MIDI Music
- - "When You Wish Upon a Star"
- - "Carpet Crawl" - by Genesis
- - "Naked in the Rain" - by Blue Pearl
- - "When Doves Cry" - by Prince
- Amiga-only Music
- - "Who Stole my Cuica" - by Anders Hamre
- - "For a Friend" by David Elfstrom
- - "Mem-Saver 2" by Bjørn A. Lynne
- Magazine Disk #4:
- Articles/General
- - Tech Corner: How to allocate the audio channels correctly,
- by Teijo "MED" Kinnunen.
- - CDTV and MIDI
- - Standard Roland drum map
- - Useful MIDI information
- * MIDI Control Change Messages
- * MIDI Messages laid out for programmers
- * Table of MIDI Note numbers
- - Sound/Music News from the 5th 16-bit Computer Show in London
- - Generally about Amiga and MIDI by Pasi Kovanen
- - Complete Vangelis discography
- - Public Domain Music disks reviewed:
- * Proton - "Gate of Pagan"
- * Vega - "Vega Music Disk 3"
- * The Shining Path - "T.S.P. Music Comp"
- * Prophecy - "Numeric 2"
- * LSD UK - "Grapevine Megamix"
- Utilities
- - Roland D-110 Bank Loader
- Use the Amiga to store the Roland D-110's banks!
- - Roland D-110 Editor (Demo version)
- Working demo version of a superb D-110 voice editor! Edit sounds on
- the Amiga screen instead of in the 2-line LCD display. Finally!
- (PS: No save)
- - Roland S-220 Sample Storage System v2.0
- Store Roland S-220 samples on Amiga disks!
- - Roland S-220 to Amiga Sample Converter v1.4
- Convert the Roland S-220 samples to Amiga format! Great!
- MIDI Music
- - Beethoven's 5th for piano
- - "Marathon" by Rush
- - "Candle In the Wind" by Elton John
- - "Backplay" by Geir W. Kristoffersen
- Amiga-only Music
- - "Streebeat" - by Paal Teien
- - "Dark Star" - by S.J.Pain
- - "Quantum-2" - by Robert Korzeniewski
- - "Messing Up" - by Sami Jumppanen
- Magazine Disk #5:
- Articles/General
- - Yamaha DX-21 MIDI & SysEx format
- - How to achieve good sound quality on your samples
- - Useful extracts from comp.sys.amiga.audio [1] and [2]
- - Korg M1 Tips - Get the most from your M1
- - Review: Zero-G Datafile Sampling CD's
- - Review: Masterbits S-CD-900 Sampling CD
- - Protracker 1.3 Preview
- - Review: PlaySid 2.0ß
- Utilities
- - 6 Complete Yamaha DX-21 Sound Banks ready to use!
- (Must be used with GLib, AM/FM#1)
- - Yamaha TX-81Z Sound Editor/Storage System
- - Yamaha FB-01 Sound Editor/Storage System
- - MOPED - Korg M1 storage system
- - MIDI Playground translates binary/english/midi, lots of
- uses for this great, flexible MIDI tool!
- - Noise-cracker v1.02 Rips and Converts NoisePacker modules
- - SoundTime - Finds out how long a sound lasts.
- - Realtime Oscillator Superb looking full-screen oscillator!
- MIDI Music
- - "Orient Express" by J.M.Jarre
- - "Maniac" by Pasi Kovanen
- - "Twilight Time" - 50's hit by The Platters
- - "Mary's Child" - Golden oldie
- - "Missanoe" (Unknown author), Nice, calm, "old english" piece
- Amiga-only Music
- - "Graveyard 2" - by Seppo Hurme
- - "Chuck is Back" - by Kim Jensen
- Magazine Disk #6:
- Articles/General
- - Tech Corner: The MED module format
- - Getting into the synthesizer world with a small budget
- - Letters to AM/FM
- - Latest news from Roland
- - The General Midi format explained and mapped
- - Chick Corea's Elektric Band live
- - Latest news from Korg
- - Complete Kraftwerk discograpy
- - How to convert MIDI music between Amiga sequencers
- - PD Music Disk reviews:
- - The Evil Forces: "Giga Mix"
- - Cyanide: "Now That's What I Call Ripped Music, Volume 2"
- - Idiosyncatris: "Big Time"
- - Anarchy: "Legalise It"
- Utilities
- - Proplay v2.0. Superb update of the best module-player, including a
- control panel, song information, timer modes etc. The thing that makes
- this player the best around is that it's the only one that's copletely
- system safe!
- - Yamaha DX100 Editor. Edit DX100 sounds with your Amiga, and store
- the sounds on Amiga disks!
- - Multi-ripper v2.9 C. The best ripper available - rips music from
- almost all available music-editors, can rip directly from disk etc. etc.
- - Casio CZ-101 / Casio CZ-1000 Storage system. Store sounds from
- this synth on your Amiga.
- MIDI Music
- - "Everybody Wants To Rule The World" by Tears for Fears
- - "In Too Deep" by Genesis
- - "Eye In The Sky" by Alan Parson Project
- - "Windcoaliz" by Geir W. Kristoffersen
- - 20+ drum patterns for Music-X.
- Amiga-only Music
- - "ChipChop 2" by Rainer A. Nilsen
- - "Souvereign Solemnity" by Anders Hamre
- - "Empty Spaces 2" by Bjørn A. Lynne
- - "EndTune" by Wiggo Johansen
- Extra Goodies on the disk
- - More than 20 dynamite drum-patterns for Music-X!
- - New superb icons for your favourite music programs!
- - Roland D-110 Protocol for Music-X!
- - New sounds for your Roland D110!
- Magazine Disk #7:
- Articles/General
- - New series: Beginner's Guide to MIDI [Part 1]: "What is MIDI?"
- - New series: Getting your music gear up and running [Part 1]
- - Review: Valhalla's International Gold Mix #1 for the Korg Wavestation
- - Build your own high-amp, anti-aliasing sound sampler
- - Review: The Korg Wavestation EX
- - Review: OctaMED Professional v3.00
- - Commercial Game Music Reviews:
- * Project-X from Team17
- * Race Drivin' from Domark
- - AM/FM Special Disks #1 and #2 (info)
- - Space Wars - the Movie (Info)
- - hOBbiTs & SpACesHipS - The CD (Info)
- - Newsflash issue #26 (Info)
- Utilities
- - Kawai K4 Editor Professional v1.99 (Demo)
- - MIDICom update: v1.56
- - OctaMEDPlayer v3.00
- - MIDI Diagnostics
- - TrackSheetX (Print Music-X scores to printer)
- MIDI Music
- - Johann Sebastian Bach * ExtraVaganza * !
- - "Red Tape" - by Kon Wilms
- - "Gabrielle" - by Kevan & Gareth Craft
- - "I've Been Loving You", soul classic for MED/OctaMED (with MIDI)
- - "If Loving You is Wrong", soul classic for MED/OctaMED (with MIDI)
- - "The Girl from Ipanema" in MIDI and Music-X format!
- Amiga-only Music
- - "Pina Colada" - by Andrew Barnabas
- - "Now What 3" - by Bjørn A. Lynne
- - "Melotech" - by Pumpstation
- Extra Goodies on the disk
- - Build your own high-amp, anti-aliasing sound sampler
- Magazine Disk #8:
- Articles/General
- - Tech Corner by Teijo Kinnunen: The Amiga Audio Hardware
- - Beginners' Guide to MIDI [Part 2]: "The Benefits of MIDI"
- - Complete Tangerine Dream discography
- - Various new products described
- - Exit Amiga, Enter Falcon?
- - The new "Sonic Arranger"
- - Playsid 2.0 review
- - New music mag: "Future Music"
- - The [secret] new Amiga Operating System!
- Utilities
- - MIDITools:
- * Echo Processor * MIDI Keyboard
- * MIDI In To Out * ProgChange
- * SysEx
- - Subzero Music Ripper
- - Promizer v0.1a
- - Hunter III
- - PrintDump, Yamaha DX-synths
- - MIDI Stuffer
- MIDI Music
- - "The Last Time" by Craft MIDI Compositions
- - "Arthur's Theme" by Christopher Cross
- - Theme from "Miami Vice"
- - "Take Me To The River" (Craft MIDI Compositions)
- - "Arise"
- Amiga-only Music
- - "There's Somebody On My Feet" - by André Meyer
- - "Rendezvous" - by Edvin Fladen
- - "Obsticularius" - by Paal Granum
- - "Audible Power" - by Sami Jumppanen
- Extra Goodies on the disk
- - Build your own MIDI interface for the Amiga 2000.
- Magazine Disk #9:
- Articles/General
- - Latest synth news
- - Beginners' Guide to MIDI [Part 3]: "Getting to know your MIDI events"
- - Getting Your MIDI Gear Up and Running [Part 2]
- - Review: The X-Static Goldmine Sample CDs
- - Complete Pink Floyd discography
- - Pink Floyd members' solo releases discography
- - The Death of Rock? - by Dave Cassidy
- - Tutorial: Volume manipulation in Music-X
- - AMFC - Amiga Music File Converter v2.0 (Review, tutorial, tips...)
- - AM/FM Synth Features indexed on synth name
- - Memory Allocation for Music-X & IFF/8SVX Samples Project (Doc + picture)
- - PD Music Disk reviews:
- * Freestyle: "Perfect 5"
- * Kaktus+Mahoney: "His Master's Noise"
- * Effect: "Psychic"
- * "The Flash" by (Unknown)
- - Commercial music album reviews
- * The Shamen: "Boss Drum"
- * Prince and the New Power Generation: "Love Symbol"
- * Peter Gabriel: "Us"
- - Advertisements / Information
- - Letters to AM/FM
- Utilities
- - Kawai K4 Editor Professional v2.99 (Demo - Update from AM/FM #7)
- - Kawai K1/K1-R/K1-II/K1-R II Editor v5.30 (100% Full working version)
- - Thief v3.0 Music Ripper
- - JoinSounds v2.0
- MIDI Music
- - "Chariots of Fire" by Vangelis
- - AM/FM Mystery Tune by ??? (Refer to Competition!)
- - Moonlight Sonate - arranged by Aarno Yliselä
- Amiga-only Music
- - "Voulle Vojas" - by Kim Jensen
- - "Techead" - by André Meyer
- - "Scitzophrenia" - by Kon Wilms
- - "Airline-2" - by Bjørn A. Lynne
- Magazine Disk #10:
- Articles/General
- - 6 FREE Korg Wavestation Performances with NEW sounds!
- - Wavestation SysEx Dumping guide (for above Performances)
- - Tutorial: Hip Hop Drum Programming, part 1
- - Tutorial: Beginners Guide to MIDI, part 4: "Actual MIDI Implementation"
- - Review: Ensoniq DP/4 Parallel Effects Processor
- - Tutorial: Building up a song in Music-X (Using master-sequence)
- - Music-X vs other sequencers - An oversight and some opinions
- - Review: Authentic Sound Effects CDs; Asylum Vol 1, 2 & 3
- - Review: Genesis: "The Way We Walk, Volume 1: The Shorts"
- - Review: Digitech VHM 5, The Vocalist
- - AM/FM takes a close look at the Wavestation SR
- - Commercial Game Music reviews:
- * Lotus III
- * Sword of Honour
- Utilities
- - Special AM/FM Utility: NPLAY v2.0! The first program licensed to AM/FM
- - New OctaMED player upgrade: v4.04 Latest version 01.01.1993.
- - CD_Arexx module: Sound/Music tool for CDTV/A570 owners
- - PlaySound: Plays large sound files off disk/harddisk without using
- much memory. (Double-buffering)
- MIDI Music
- - "The One" by Elton John (for MED/OctaMED)
- - "XMas Zpireet" by Bjørn A. Lynne (Music-X)
- - "Dawn Chorus" by Craft Bros. (Music-X / MIDI)
- - "Hip Hop Demo" by Kon Wilms (part of tutorial in this issue)
- (Music-X / MIDI)
- - "Hip Hop Grooves" by Kon Wilms (part of tutorial in this issue)
- (Music-X / MIDI)
- Amiga-only Music
- - "Epitaxial" by Kjetil Carlsen
- - "Invisible Touch" by Genesis - Amiga conversion by Bjørn A. Lynne
- - "El Toro" by Sami Jumppanen
- - "Transpheric Cosmos" by Kim Burgaard
- Magazine Disk #11:
- Articles/General
- - Tech Corner: The magic of 8-channel sound! (Teijo Kinnunen)
- (Note: TechCorner example files and programmes on the disk)
- - Latest news in synths, keyboards, etc. (A. Meyer)
- - Interview: Karsten Obarski - the <Godfather> of Sound-,
- Noise- and Protracker!
- - Samplitude: Better Sample Editing for Better Samples! (E.Beranek)
- - Winners of the "Mystery Tune" competition in AM/FM #9 !
- - Music-X v2.0 and Notator-X !
- - Music-X Tutorial: Using a MIDI keyboard to play with Amiga samples
- - The Format War! (D. Cassidy)
- - A Piece of the Action (Copyright or Copywrong...?) (S.Plumbe)
- - Dolby Digital Surround - Sound of the future!
- - AM/FM Special Disks #1, #2 and #3 !
- - CD Reviews:
- * The Freddie Mercury Album
- * Pet Shop Boys: "Discography"
- - PD Music Disk Reviews_
- * Anarchy: "Legalise It 2"
- * Paradise: "Techno Tower"
- - Game Music Reviews:
- * Zool
- * Lethal Xess
- - New AM/FM column: Basement Tapes!
- * Generally about this new column, and how to enter!
- * N. M. Parker: "Ethmeric Realm"
- - Review of the tape
- - Screenshot of the inlay-card
- * Eric "Sidewinder" Gieseke: "Technology Bytes"
- - Review of the tape
- - Screenshot of the inlay-card
- Utilities
- - Background Music Player (BMP)
- - ITEM MidiSyn v1.0
- - WonderSound v1.0
- - Prorunner - a new and improved Protracker replay routine
- Amiga-only Music
- - "Ghouls" by Jogeir Liljedahl (Default Backgroundmusic)
- - "Jazz Bubbles" by Andrew Barnabas
- - "Oholibama" by Peter Salomonsen
- - "Jesus Comes" by Elef Tsiroudis
- - "Polka Down!" by Eric <Sidewinder> Gieseke
- MIDI Music
- - 25 different ready-made rhythm tracks in standard MIDI format!
- - "Mona's Song" - by Bjørn A. Lynne (Ed)
- - "Peter Gunn" (Track from Blues Brothers) - by Duane Eddy
- - "Sweat (Alalalong)" - by Inner Circle
- Magazine Disk #12:
- Articles/General
- - FREE!! Excellent New Sounds for your Ensoniq SQ-1, SQ-2, SQ-R, SQ-R+
- - The latest Synth/Keyboard news
- - Letters to the Editor
- - Decimal <--> Hexadecimal Conversion Table
- - Review: Pete Gleadalls Samplography
- - AM/FM Special Disks #4 and #5!
- - Using AMFC with Sid 2
- - Commodore's Big Music Cock-up
- - Deluxe Music v2.0 Coming
- - PD Music Disk Reviews:
- * Devious - "Elenium"
- * Parasite - "Imperial Tunes 1"
- * Skyboard Music Disk 1
- * LSD - "Jesus On E's"
- * Pyrogenic - "Short Modules 2"
- - Basement Tapes:
- * Generally about this new column, and how to enter!
- * Minimal Art: "Simplicity" (Jester/Sanity's first tape)
- - Review of the tape
- - Screenshot of the tape's inlay card
- Utilities
- - EDDY: Yamaha SY22 / TG33 Sound Editor & Storage System!
- - Exotic Ripper v2.01 - The BEST Multiple Format Ripper so far!
- - Sing: "Plays" _any_ file you feed it. Great for a laugh!
- Amiga-only Music
- - "Song IV" - by André Meyer
- - "Classic Mix" - by Rhesus Minus / Cryptoburners
- - "Humplery Jee" - by Kjetil Carlsen
- MIDI Music
- - "The Sky's The Limit" - by Fleetwod Mac
- - "No Son Of Mine" - by Genesis
- - "Heal The World" - by Michael Jackson
- Magazine Disk #13:
- Articles/General
- - Protracker Studio [Part 1]: Introduction and Note Retrig (E9x)
- - Review: The "Miracle" Piano Teaching package (Hardware+Software)
- - Review: The Desktop Guide to Electronic Music
- - Review: MegaBass Remix Sample CD
- - Latest synthesizer/keyboard news!
- - "Progression" - a great A1200 vs Falcon article by D. Cassidy
- - Reply to "Commodore's Big Music Cock-up" from AM/FM #12
- - The SMUS Simple Musical Score Format
- - PD Music Disk Reviews:
- * "Musicland" - by Brainstorm
- * "Kickin' Klasix" - by Wham Bam
- * "Mirror" - by Andromeda
- * "Skymuzak 2" - by Skyboard
- * "Sonic" - by Gastric Ulcer
- - CD Reviews:
- * Lenny Kravitz: "Are You Gonna Go My Way"
- * Bryan Ferry: "Taxi"
- * K. D. Lang: "Ingenue"
- * The Beloved: "Conscience"
- - Basement Tapes:
- * Allister Brimble on CD: "Sounds Digital"
- (Review of the CD and screenshot of the front cover)
- Utilities
- - New & improved version of Music-X <--> MIDI Conversion Utility!
- - INTUITRACKER v1.50 (By Triumph)
- - FZIFF - Convert Casio FZ-1 16-bit Sounds to 8-bit Amiga samples!
- - RXTracker - Play Sound/Noise/ProTracker & MED modules by ARexx!
- Amiga-only Music
- - "In-game music example" by Jogeir Liljedahl
- - "Monsieur Gastone" by Bjørn A. Lynne
- - "Inner Peace" by Eric "Sidewinder" Gieseke
- MIDI Music
- - "La Isla Bonita" by Madonna
- - "Requiem for an Angel" by Kevan R. Craft
- - Blues Brothers Special! - THREE songs from The Blues Brothers!
- - Two beautiful classic piano pieces by Chopin
- Magazine Disk #14:
- Articles/General
- - AM/FM Special Disk #3 updated - FREE update offered
- - The 1993 MIDI and Electronic Music Show
- - Memoirs of a (skint) home recorder
- - MIDI & The Guitarist
- - The Desktop Music Workshop
- - MED/OctaMED User Group
- - The IFF 8SVX Sample Format
- - Protracker Studio; Lesson 2: Note Delay (EDx)
- - Review: MIDI Performance Manager! (MPM) (Including 4 screen-shots)
- - OctaMED Professional v5 Preview! (Including 4 screen-shots)
- - PD Music Disk Reviews:
- * "Attraction" by Howard Wilsher
- * "Desert Dreams" by Kefrens
- * "Toccata and Fugue in D Minor (Bach)" by Rob Baxter
- - Reviews of new CD-releases:
- * Johann Sebastian Bach - Organ Works (Review by Paul Draaisma)
- * Jean-Michel Jarre: Chronologie (Review by Pasi Kovanen)
- * Jean-Michel Jarre: Chronologie (Review by Paul Draaisma)
- Utilities
- - Step-By-Step Patcher / Sound Editor for all General Midi synths!
- (JV-80, SC-55, etc. etc...) Special >AM/FM< Demo Version 1.1!
- - Smart-Ed - Yamaha DX-7 Sound Editor and Storage System (Demo Version)
- Amiga-only Music
- - "Knockout" by Kjetil Carlsen
- - "Dragonfire" by Oliver Lomax
- MIDI Music
- - BACH EXTRAVAGANZA II! 9 Bach-tunes in MED/OctaMED w/MIDI format!
- Bourree in E Minor, Gavotte in D Major, Invention No. 1 in C Major,
- Minuet in C Minor, Musette in G Minor, Polonaise in G Major,
- Prelude in C Major, Prelude in G Major, Two Menuets
- - "Dust In The Wind" - by Kansas
- - "Once Upon A Time" - by Kevan R. Craft
- Magazine Disk #15:
- Articles/General
- - Readers' Letters and answers
- - Protracker Studio; Part 3: Note-Cut (ECx) and Step-Loop (E6x)
- - The making of "Hobbits & Spaceships", Part 1 of 2
- - A VHS in your stereo rack? Why not!? Vidar Engen convinces you...
- - Review: OctaMED Professional v5 (including 4 screenshots)
- - General News and AM/FM Small-talk, Plus Latest Synth-News
- - Warning about Amiganuts
- - AM/FM-Editor leaving the Amiga world! (NOT!)
- - "Crackles" - by Dave Cassidy
- - Sound & Music in games - what's to come?
- - AM/FM Special Disk #3 updated - FREE update offered
- - PD Music Disk reviews:
- * Alcatraz: "Memorial Songs"
- - AM/FM Basement Tapes:
- * Vector Space - "First Sequences"
- (Review and scanned picture of the cover)
- Utilities
- - FM-SYNTH! Generate perfect sounding samples with this Amiga
- synthesizer!
- - NEWTRACKER v3.0 - With system-friendly routines and conversion
- of MED mods! Full AM/FM-version - nothing disabled.
- - PATCHMAN - Roland JD800 Sound Editor/Storage.
- Amiga-only Music
- - "Triviality" - by Gisle M.M.
- - "White Wedding" - by Kim Jensen
- - "Party On Dudes" - by Anthony Oetzmann
- MIDI Music
- - "21 Fingers" - by (unknown)
- - "Rock n'Roll" - by (unknown)
- - "Morning" - by Geir Widar Kristoffersen
- - "Evening" - by Geir Widar Kristoffersen
- Magazine Disk #16:
- Articles/General
- - Great music competition! Win a Fax-modem, a TV, a scanner and lots more!
- - General MIDI Map AND 16 FREE NEW Sounds for Yamaha SY-55 / TG-55 !!!
- - AM/FM's great Music/MIDI jargon buster, version 1.0 ! (To be continued..)
- - General News, AM/FM Small-talk and other gossip...
- - Latest synth news from André Meyer
- - The making of "Hobbits & Spaceships", Part 2 of 2
- - RiffGrabber - new utility for Deluxe Music Construction Set users
- - DPaint Template for Cassette Covers
- - Review: GVP's new "DSS8+" Sound Sampler.
- - Protracker/OctaMED Studio; Part 4: Volume Fine-Sliding
- - Protracker/OctaMED Studio: OctaMED update on parts 1, 2, 3 !
- - Arexx & OctaMED
- - Electronic Dreams: A label with an attitude!
- - PD Reviews:
- * Cybernetix Music Compilation Disk
- * Dataclan: "Beatbox"
- * Gladiators Music Disk 1
- * MED Users Group: "Friends Of Paula 3"
- * Pendle Europa: "Music Madness"
- * "Samples Unlimited" Sample Disk
- * Meat Loaf: "Bat Out Of Hell II" (Back Into Hell)
- * Prince: "The Hits / The B-Sides"
- * Sound Effects CD: "Essential Science Fiction Effects, Vol. 2"
- * Aerosmith: "Get A Grip"
- Utilities
- - Universal MIDI Patch Panel
- - Yamaha FB-01 Editor
- - Yamaha FB-01-printer
- - Matrix 6 Editor!
- - DXSwap
- Amiga-only Music
- - Just Married - by Jogeir Liljedahl
- - Countdown 2 Kaos - by Oliver Lomax
- - Forever Young - by Alphaville / Amiga: Vidar Engen
- MIDI Music
- - GRIEG SPECIAL! 4 great classics by Grieg on this disk!
- - "All That She Wants" - by Ace Of Base (MED/OctaMED w/MIDI)
- - Miracle-music: 4 different tunes from Neil Turland!
- - Gigue in D Major - by J. Pachelbel
- Magazine Disk #17:
- Articles/General
- - Review of Power Computing's Mini MIDI Interface
- - RBF Software's big OctaMED Music Competition
- - Technical Dimensions seek Amiga musicians to record a CD!
- - A functional Arexx reference for Deluxe Music 2
- - South Africa - Politics, Amigas and music
- - Tutorial: Orchestrating with MIDI
- - Join the Craft Bros. in studio recording material for a CD
- - Tutorial: Protracker/OctaMED Studio, Part 5
- - Memoirs of a (skint) home recordist, Part 2
- - General MIDI - why, what, and how great is it really?
- - Video Killed The Radio Star?
- - Complete Guide to all MIDI messages, controllers, etc.
- - Basement Tapes & "ED" tapes reviewed:
- * Olaf "Raven" Rabe: "Music for the movies" (review and picture)
- * Steve Charlton: "Haven" (review and picture)
- * Various artists: "The Dream is Just Beginning"
- (review and picture)
- - PD Music Disk reviews:
- * Rob Baxter: The Music Royal Fireworks
- - CD Reviews:
- * Jamiroquai: "Emergency on Planet Earth"
- * Orbital: "Orbital"
- * Pet Shop Boys: "Relentless"
- * Pet Shop Boys: "Very"
- Utilities
- - MIDIPlay v1.2b - Enhanced CLI/WB MIDI-file Player
- - RexxMMD v1.1 - OctaMED by Arexx
- - Action Ripper 2 - the latest and best ripper yet
- - Korg 01/W Wavestation driver for Blue Ribbon's "Patchmeister"
- - Oscillograph - very nice graphic display of sounds
- Amiga-only Music
- - Bjørn A. Lynne: "Arrangements"
- - Philippe Veriere: "Teakbois"
- - Vidar Engen: "From Cavatina"
- MIDI Music
- - Third Movement Moonlight Sonata (arr: Terry Delaney)
- - African Jam (arr: Terry Delaney)
- - On The Street (arr: Terry Delaney)
- - O Holy Night (arr: Terry Delaney)
- - Woodway (arr: Terry Delaney)
- - Chez Mimi: (arr: Aarno Yliselä)
- - 2nd English Suite Bouree (arr: Aarno Yliselä)
- New Bach Special! (arr: Aller Persson)
- - Air On A G-String
- - Andante
- - Bouree
- - Concerto
- - Gavottes
- - Minuet
- - Prelude
- - Sarabande
- - Toccata in D-Maj
- Magazine Disk #18:
- Articles/General
- - Review: Aural Illusion sample editor
- - The truth about the "mistakingly" released Protracker v3.15
- - Amiga-Musicians on Tape and CD
- - Review: Dance Disk #1
- - HELP!! I'm thinking of buying my first synth
- - Big review: The new "Toccata" 16-bit sampling card
- - Letters to AM/FM and Amiga Music News
- - The latest Keyboard/Synth/Amiga-sound news from André Meyer
- - The Inexpensive Way to Professional Sampling!
- - Craft Bros. CD update
- - Seasoft offers Music-X v1.1 for under £30 !
- - Basement Tapes:
- - AM/FM-Ed's new "Montage" - big review by Kevan R. Craft
- - IDLE STATE: "Northern Lights"
- (Review of the tape and picture of the cover)
- - "Hobbits & Spaceships" CD Cover
- - CD Reviews:
- - Marillion: "Brave" (text & picture)
- - Pendragon: "The Window of Life" (text & picture)
- Utilities
- - Aural Illusion Jr. 8/16-bit Sample editor
- - General MIDI Patcher demo - edit all General MIDI synth sounds
- - APercKey - a drum machine on your Amiga
- Amiga-only Music
- - January in June - by Paul Draaisma
- - Sleepwalker - by Anthony Oetzmann
- MIDI Music
- - bluset55.mid
- - blakey.mid
- å42m
- å42m
- AM/FM Special Disk #1
- A Collection of MIDI music by well known artists and bands. 41 MIDI files, 20
- individual songs, all well documented, with detailed description of MIDI
- channel setup, song lyrics etc. etc. Everything of course presented
- professionally by use of the well known AM/FM menu system etc. MIDI songs are
- normally priced at about 5 GBP each. Here you get a whole disk stuffed full
- of them for the price of a PD disk. If you are a MIDI user, what are you
- waiting for??
- Songs on AM/FM Special Disk #1:
- - Also Spracht Zarathursta - Ghostbusters
- (2001 - A Space Odyssey) - Here There and Everywhere
- - 25 Or 6 To 4 - Interzone
- - Asayaka - Miles & Miles
- - A World I Never Knew - Mozart: Cosi Fan Tutte
- - Axel F - Newsong
- - Baby I Love Your Way - Norwegian Wood
- - Caprice - Orientalbossa
- - Come On - Woman
- - Countrydemo - First Steps
- AM/FM Special Disk #2
- Similar to AM/FM Special Disk #1, with more MIDI music.
- Songs on AM/FM Special Disk #2:
- - Autobahn - On My Own
- - Ballad - Prelude To A Kiss
- - Bangin' 32 - Pretty In Pink
- - Cars - Promise Myself
- - Everything I Do - Sonic The Hedgehog
- - Everytime You Go Away - Spy's Eye
- - I Just Called To Say I Love You - Ten Watz
- - I Must Have Been A Fool - Thriller
- - I'll Survive - Toccata & Fuge in D Minor
- AM/FM Special Disk #3
- PROTRACKER v3.10b !!! AM/FM has special permission to distribute this
- excellent new version of the best Amiga-only music editor ever made,
- programmed by Cryptoburners! Fantastic new look and new features, more
- powerful than ever. You will NOT find PT3.10b (or above) distributed by any PD
- companies, except by those who distribute AM/FM, and PT3+ must be sold as an
- AM/FM disk.
- Disk contains the program itself, all documentation, replay routines,
- stand-along module player "NPlay", and new previously unreleased demonstration
- modules!
- AM/FM Special Disks #4 and #5
- filled with 19 Amiga-only songs by Bjørn A. Lynne, Editor of AM/FM and also
- known as "Dr.Awesome/Crusaders". The music on these two disks were originally
- composed for various game- and demo-projects; but these games and demos have
- unfortunately been cancelled because of contractual trouble, lazy programmers,
- etc. So the music now lives a life of it's own, and is presented to you here
- as AM/FM Special Disks #4 and #5; Bjørn "Dr.Awesome" Lynne's Defunct Projects,
- Vol. I and Vol. II. Lots of atmospheric music here, in the typical
- Dr.Awesome / Crusaders style.
- Vol. I: (Special Disk #4): Vol. II: (Special Disk #5)
- Cyberlife 1 Airline Intro/Title Score
- Cyberlife 2 Airline In-game 1
- Oblivion Airline In-game 3
- Shanghai Title/Intro Score Fanfare from "Pictures..."
- Shanghai In-game 1 Kasei Vallis Intro/Title
- Shanghai In-game 2 Kasei Vallis Pause (Stardance)
- Shanghai Hi-score Kasei Vallis Combat music
- Shanghai Game-Over Kasei Vallis In-game 1
- Zirkonium-Theme Kasei Vallis In-game 2
- Kasei Vallis In-game 3
- AM/FM Special Disk #6
- This disk is a compilation of 5 superb Amiga/Music utilities which were a
- little too disk-space-consuming to use on AM/FM Magazine Disks. There was
- just enough room for the 5 of them on one disk after we had compressed them
- heavily with the latest version of PowerPacker.
- This AM/FM Special Disk is a collection of advanced MIDI Utilities and a
- module player which easily beats all other module players made so far. (June
- -93). This disk was released because these utilities took up too much disk
- space to be used on AM/FM Magazine Disks, which should instead use most of
- their disk-space for articles, tutorials etc. etc. No Amiga + MIDI user
- should be without this disk!!
- CYCLOPHONICS: Advanced MIDI Colour Organ! Requires MIDI.
- ALGORHYTHMS: Makes your Amiga compose it's own MIDI music! Requires MIDI.
- SMARTPLAY: The superior module-player available for the Amiga, beats all
- others in flexibility, ease and speed of use. Requires kickstart 2.x or
- higher.
- D10-GLIB: Specially rewritten version of the program GLIB for on-screen
- editing and storage of Roland D10 patches, tones, banks and drums. Requires
- MIDI and a Roland D10.
- MIDICHORDS: Visualises music and lets you put chords together in a new and
- exciting, "visual" way. Also contains a simple sequencer and other MIDI
- tools. Requires MIDI.
- å42m
- å42m
- AM/FM Sample Disk #1: Drums & Percussion
- - 45 Drums & Percussion sounds from Roland PCM 10 Sound Card, sampled
- on high sample rate and added reverb for best possible sound quality.
- AM/FM Sample Disk #2: Orchestral Winds
- - 58 orchestral winds sounds. Many different flutes, brass, saxes,
- trumpets, brass chords, as well as some untraditional and ethnic
- winds.
- AM/FM Sample Disk #3: Sound effects - Death and Horror
- - 30 atmospheric non-instrumental death & horror sound effects for
- that scary edge!
- AM/FM Sample Disk #4: Korg 707
- - 32 instruments (not effects but proper instruments) sampled from the
- Korg 707 synthesizer. Most of the sounds are purely fictious synthetic
- ones, and should suit well into the sample collection if you're into
- synth music.
- AM/FM Sample Disk #5: Grand Piano
- - 16 Grand Piano samples - a rich, full grand piano sound including the
- most used chords, all sounds looped for infinite sustain, lots of
- sounds covering a wide pitch spectre (6 octaves), and some piano sounds
- with added strings, pads and choir.
- AM/FM Sample Disk #6: Korg Wavestation, part 1
- - 48 Instrumental sounds from Korg Wavestation. Great dynamics in these
- characteristic sounds from the Synth of All Synths from Korg. Some
- chords, but mostly lead-, bass and fill sounds. No percussion.
- AM/FM Sample Disk #7: Korg Wavestation, part 2
- - 53 Instrumental sounds from Korg Wavestation. Great dynamics in these
- characteristic sounds from the Synth of All Synths from Korg.
- Lead-, bass and fill sounds. No percussion. No chords.
- AM/FM Sample Disk #8: Korg Wavestation, part 3 (Chords)
- - 46 new samples from the Korg Wavestation - this time ALL chords. Pads,
- choirs, synths, orchestral etc., all sampled on the most usual chords
- (minor, major, sus2, sus4) as well as some add6/add7-chords too.
- AM/FM Sample Disk #9: Korg M1 Drums & Percussion
- - 84 rhythmic samples from the ever so popular Korg M1 synthesizer. Not
- only a large range of "standard" drum sounds, but also a lot of
- rhythmic effects, lasers, scratching and other unconventional
- percussion sounds.
- AM/FM Sample Disk #10: Vector Worlds, part 1
- - A collection of ambient and hard-hitting sounds _created_ by the AM/FM
- staff on a Korg Wavestation. Each and every sound has lots of
- character - if you want really unique sounds, then this collection is
- for you!
- AM/FM Sample Disk #11: Vector Worlds, part 2
- - More special and atmospheric sounds, programmed exclusively for
- AM/FM on a Korg Wavestation EX. Truly unique and characteristic
- sounds made for the occasion by AM/FM staff.
- AM/FM Sample Disk #12: Death & Horror Sound Effects, Part 2
- - Following up AM/FM Sample Disk #3, here are some more non-instrumental
- death & horror sound effects; for example "Eye ball being pulled out",
- man being strangled, Hungry monster about to be fed, etc. etc.
- AM/FM Sample Disk #13: Ensoniq SQ-R, Part 1
- - This disk is the first in a series of compiled samples of sounds
- created by the AM/FM staff on the superb Ensoniq SQ-R+ synthesizer.
- These sounds are highly atmospheric and unique, and will give your
- music new life and originality. Chords included.
- AM/FM Sample Disk #14: Ensoniq SQ-R, Part 2
- - More sounds created by the AM/FM staff on the superb Ensoniq SQ-R+
- synthesizer. Like on the previous disk, these sounds are truly special
- and atmospheric, and will undoubtedly breathe new life and a touch of
- sheer quality to your music. Chords included.
- AM/FM Sample Disk #15: Guitar Workshop, Part 1
- - This is the first of three disks in a Guitar-series from AM/FM,
- containing without any doubt the most revolutionary, electrifying,
- dynamically explosive guitar samples ever seen in the Amiga world!
- Your attitude towards Amiga music will change after you hear these
- radical guitar samples - we guarantee you have heard nothing like it!
- Dirty Guitar, 12-string guitar, Grunge guitar, Slam guitar, etc. etc.
- all designed to knock your socks off!
- AM/FM Sample Disk #16: Guitar Workshop, Part 2
- - We continue our series of breathtaking guitar samples. More
- electrifying stuff on this second disk in the incredible
- "Guitar Workshop" series!
- AM/FM Sample Disk #17: Guitar Workshop, Part 3
- - Even more gobsmacking superb guitar sounds, to finish off our
- incredibly popular and praised Guitar Workshop series.
- AM/FM Sample Disk #18: Fantasy Sounds, Part 1
- - Here we start a new series of "Fantasy Sounds" - incredible, original
- and atmospheric sounds which will add new depth and originality to your
- Protracker or OctaMED music. Truly unique stuff.
- *********************************** AM/FM ***********************************